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Improve the Plastic Tube Packaging Decoration

2016-03-05 17:27:00

Categories:Industry News News Center Visit:869 release time:2016-03-05 17:27:00
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 Labeling Tube

 labeling tube

As we know,plenty of ecorating technologies could be used for plastic tube packaging.In other words, tubes could show many different kinds of printing effect and appearence and finally help build up a brand.Offeset printing is the most commom decoration and it allow the cosmtic packaging suppliers to satisfy the demand from customers.

The truth comes that decorating technology is helping the product with tube packaging take advancements. Printing has ever been and improved decoration seems to be one of the bigger trends in tube manufacture. There are now more colors, brighter colors and multi-layer foil with colors. In addition, equipping tubes with different types of head styles is another trend that’s on the rise.

Pressure sensitive labeling tube packaging is a good method for showing the complex decoration, however, that has its drawbacks. With labels, its lead times have to be relied upon the supply chain.