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What are the differences between LDPE/MDPE/HDPE beauty tubes packaging?

2016-12-01 17:25:00

Categories:FAQ Visit:4884 release time:2016-12-01 17:25:00
Source: Author:

First, let’s be clear about their definition. LDPE=Low Density PE; MDPE=Middle Density; HDPE=High Density.
Beauty tubes packaging is a combination of LDPE/MDPE/HDPE. So we could not tell their differences separately. But the ratio will be make different hardness.

More LDPE , softer tubes will be. More HDPE, harder tubes will be.

Normally, we have a stable rate for the regular tubes, but if the customer has the special request, we can make some adjustment per the customer’s requirements. Overseas customer will always ask for tubes be harder, truthfully ,we don’t recommend to make the tubes too hard, as it will be not easy to seal. If customer do prefer hard tubes, we do suggest to do sealing testing before production of  Beauty tubes packaging to ensure everything are in the range .