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Bamboo caps and environmental protection

2018-01-03 21:00:00

Categories:Auber News News Center Visit:674 release time:2018-01-03 21:00:00
Source: Author:Juliette

Bamboo caps look naturally, premium, expensive according to one of our clients’ statement.

Now we can find in the market with tubes or bottled matching with wood cap or bamboo cap. Compare to wood caps, I think bamboo caps will be better because bamboo really can grow very easily.
That’s also why we decided to open several molds of bamboo caps in different tube sizes and styles, after we received many inquiries from customers about this kind of caps for a long time.
The styles are including nozzle tubes, round tubes, and pump tubes. If your quantity can meet the MOQ, we can also open new molds for you specially.
Now more and more people are paying attention to the environment protection. Three weeks ago, I have visited the waste incineration plant with my kids’ classmates. It’s the time for all of us to do more to protect the earth.
We were all shocked when we saw such big space to contain the garbage.
The garbage can be burned and turned to be electricity, the clean water, and the residue can be used as bricks.
In China, we need learn how to do better garbage classification. Now in the village I am living in, we are working on this tightly in order to have a “no garbage village” someday.
These are the pictures just took today about some other countries how to do the classification.
Let’s working together to protect our earth!
——Original Articles from Auber Packaging,please indicate when reprinting the articles. To learn more cosmetics packaging,pls visit our website:
