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How to match the color with tubes and caps?

2019-12-18 21:21:14

Categories:Auber News News Center Visit:899 release time:2019-12-18 21:21:14
Source: Author:Juliette

As you can see, cosmetic tubes can be in any colors except white and black. There are mainly 5 options to match the colors between caps and tubes.
1. Clear tube with colored caps
clear tubes & caps
Now it’s very popular for some brands to print on clear tubes so that the cream can see through. Normally people will choose big area printing on the tube body and leave some windows. Then the caps with matching with the same color as the printing.
Like the right picture, isn’t it more attractive than just full colored tubes?

2. Colored tubes with same colored caps

For the colored tubes, we can find most of time, they will be matched with the same color of caps. Because people like to see a uniformed product.

plastic color tubes and caps

3. Colored tubes with other color caps

color tubes & color caps
Sometimes, you can also try to use other color of caps for the colored tubes. ie. white cap, or clear cap, or even other color caps like the picture shown below. The different colors between tubes and caps have special impact forces to the consumer’s eyes, especially for young generations.

4. White printed tubes with double colored caps

dual colors plastic tubes packaging

Now there are some options with double colored caps, so we also have some products are printed colors on white tubes, and then have the tube thread white to match with the double colored caps. Look at the below produts, I always think human beings are so creative. There are endless designs in the world!

5. White/black tubes with white/black caps
This is the mostly used that white printed tubes matching with white caps, while black tubes matching with black caps. The latter ones mostly pack products for men skincare products.

plastic classic white tubes
White tubes with white caps—mostly used.
The printing on tubes can be various.

men skin care tubes

Black tubes with black caps-for men.

Even you can see there are a lot of options on printing of tubes and the different colors of tube thread to choose.
Cosmetic tubes are really flexible on each parts. In fact, the above 5 options are just some example from our products, we sometimes found amazing matching made by customers. Yes, you have definitely have your own design and options on them.
Any questions, feel free to ask.


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