News Center - Auber

Will plastic free day far from us? 2020-06-23 17:17

Will you take a challenge that you won’t use any disposable plastic one day? This is a global initiative to reduce plastic pollution.

Cómo reducir el uso de bolsas de plástico 2020-06-23 16:51

Aunque es efectivo reducir algunos plásticos después de cobrar por las bolsas de plástico en los centros comerciales, las tiendas y tiendas convenientes y pajitas están prohibidas.

How to reduce the use of plastic bags 2020-06-23 16:44

Although it is effective to reduce a few plastic after charging for the plastic bags in shopping malls, stores and convenient shops and drinking straws are banned.

Umweltschutz wird in der Regel geschätzt 2020-06-08 11:48

Wissenschaftler sind der Ansicht, dass Menschen aufgrund der globalen Erwärmung sofort Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Umwelt ergreifen sollten. Andernfalls wird es eine Überlebenskrise geben.

Comment réduire l’utilisation de sacs en plastique 2020-06-08 11:36

La consommation d'emballages en plastique s'applique toujours à la majeure partie du plastique en augmentation, notamment les légumes, le lait en poudre, les produits surgelés et l'eau minérale.

How to reduce the use of plastic bags 2020-06-08 11:19

The consumption of plastic packaging still appliesthe most part of the increasing plastic, including vegetables, milk powder, frozen goods and mineral water.

Environmental preservation tend to be valued 2020-06-08 11:04

Scientists deem that humans should take actions to protect the environment at once due to global warming. If it cannot be went through, there will be a survival crisis.

The invisible value makes the difference of cosmetics packaging prices 2020-06-05 17:51

When my customer feedback that our price is higher than the one they get from the other cosmetic packaging suppliers, I’d explained in several ways

目立つブランド化粧品包装がトレンドになっています 2020-06-01 17:15


Visual prominent brand cosmetics packaging has become a trend 2020-06-01 17:03

People's daily lives depend on social media, so there's no doubt that the cosmetics market will be affected by social media.
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