News Center - Auber
Peel Off Lip Gloss and Aluminum Laminated Tube 2015-08-24 17:25
What is the most popular makeup product now? It should be the peel off lip gloss for sure .It has been hot and become the favorite of fashion ladies since 2014 when invented. And to protect the lip gloss well, Aluminum Laminated Tube should be the first choice.
The Production Process For The Cosmetic Packaging 2015-08-22 07:38
Cosmetic Packaging
As for the cosmetic packaging,there are many process you can't ignore because it will still confused you all the time if you don't take time to understand it. So the following tips you got will help the manufacturers and cosmetic co...
La tendance de la Cosmetic Packaging dans cet état de l’exportation 2015-08-17 22:52
Avant 2008, tous les acteurs économiques se sont bien déroulées et que personne ne peut prédire ce qu'il est serait détruite bient?t. Alors, les gens inventent toujours de l'argent pour le projet de développement élevé pour obtenir plus d'argent et de hasard. A ce moment, tout le développement de l'emballage cosmétique étaient également parfait .Mais maintenant il est très difficile de le faire.
Cosmetic Tube- Technology Introduction 2015 2015-08-17 14:46
This video will introduce the entire production process of Cosmetic Tube Packaging. Showing you the latest production process and technology.
The Trend Of Cosmetic Packaging In This Export Status 2015-08-15 07:29
Cosmetic packaging
Before 2008,all the economic went smoothly and nobody can predict that it is would be destroyed soon. So people still invent the money to the high development project to get more money and chance. At that moment ,all the development of th...
How Is Pearled Tube For Cosmetics Packaging 2015-08-08 07:20
Cosmetics Packaging
Pearled tube is one kind of the cosmetics packaging. It is said from the different material.Actually, how this tube be done? People just add some Pearled material into the white PE tube,and then mix the material to produce the product.
Haben Sie überhaupt erhielt die Anregung für Oval Cosmetic Rohr? 2015-08-05 16:58
Es gibt Unterschiede zwischen dem runden und ovalen Rohr für ihre Produktionsabl?ufe. So würde heute Menschen es vorziehen, über die Frage, die sie in der Mitteilung für die oval kosmetische Rohr erfüllt diskutieren.
Have You Ever Got The Suggestion For Oval Cosmetic Tube? 2015-08-01 07:09
Oval Cosmetic Tube
There are differences between the round and oval tube for their production procedures. Thus, today people would prefer to discuss about the question they met in the communication for the oval cosmetic tube.
Dry conditions including dryin...
Factores esenciales de la impresión para el aluminio Cosmética Tubos 2015-07-28 16:46
Durante el proceso de impresión gráfica, elegir qué tipo de medios de impresión es un paso muy importante para la impresión de cosmética de aluminio tubes.Auctually, necesitamos tener una visión básica de los medios de impresión debido a que el efecto de la impresión del producto terminado y el costo sería afectar a la imprenta.
Essential Factors Of The Printing For Aluminum Cosmetic Tubes 2015-07-25 04:55
Choose which type of printing media is very crucial step for the printing of aluminum cosmetic tubes.Auctually,we need to have a basic view for the printing media because the printing effect of the finished product and the cost would affect the the printing.
- To the beautiful women[2021-03-09]
- Embalaje ecológico en la vida moderna[2021-02-01]
- Green packaging in modern life[2021-02-01]
- Wege des Verpackungsrecyclings und die Belohnungen[2021-01-25]
- Ways of packaging recycling and the rewards[2021-01-25]
- Quels sont les matériaux à l'intérieur des tubes stratifiés?[2021-01-18]