News Center - Auber

Diversification of plastic squeeze tubes (2) 2015-11-21 03:46

Plastic squeeze tube Squeeze factor With the use of personal care products of plastic squeeze tubes, Avery Dennison is also seen rapid increase in demand for its pressure-sensitive labeling materials, Diane Ewanko marketing manager of the company's househ...

Cuidado de la Piel de embalaje tubo de conocer las posibilidades 2015-11-17 17:34

Con los consumidores pidiendo productos eco con fórmulas e ingredientes naturales, los requisitos para el envasado tubo vuelto más y convertirse en el estándar más alto. El embalaje del tubo debe satisfacer estas demandas específicas para aprovechar la oportunidad.

Skincare tube packaging meet chances 2015-11-14 03:39

Skincare tube packaging With the consumers asking for eco products with natural formulas and ingredients, the requirements for the tube packaging become more and the standard become higher. The tube packaging must satisfy these specific demand to seize the ...

Premium kosmetische Rohr Verpackung mit Metallmaterial 2015-11-10 16:45

Luxus ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der kosmetischen Rohr Verpackung und direkt entscheiden, ob einige Verbraucher für sie. Die Nutzung der kostbaren metallischen schauenden Teile k?nnen sich den Luxus des Kosmetikpaket hinzuzufügen.

Premium cosmetic tube packaging using metal material 2015-11-07 03:33

Foil Metalized Tube Luxury is an important element of the cosmetic tube packaging and can directly decide whether some consumers will spend on it. The usage of precious metallic looking parts can add to the luxury of the cosmetic pack. Stainless steel not ...

Inicio del color cosmético Empaquetado Conversación 2015-11-06 14:22

Cada a?o, miles de millones de colores envasado Tubo cosmético se venden, teniendo una gran parte de los mercados de belleza y cosmética.

Starting the Color Cosmetic Tube Packaging Conversation 2015-10-31 03:25

Colored Cosmetic Tube Packaging Every year, billions of color cosmetic tube packaging are sold, taking a large part of the beauty and cosmetics markets. And the suppliers of cosmetics tube helping to capture the market by providing high quality package shou...

Verbessert das Kunststoffrohr Verpackung Dekoration 2015-10-27 15:18

Wir wissen, dass Kunststoffrohr Verpackung kann eine breite Palette von Dekorationstechnologien, die die Rohrmittel k?nnen viele Druckeffekt und Aussehen zeigen und schlie?lich in den Markenaufbau resultieren verwenden.

Silicone Head Lip Gloss Tube 2015-10-26 15:24

Auber is always concentrating on developing new designs in cosmetic tubes industry. Because we believe that Special makes you outstanding. Recently we would like to recommend a new product--Silicone Head Lip Gloss Tube.

Improved the Plastic Tube Packaging Decoration 2015-10-24 03:21

  We know that plastic tube packaging can use a wide range of decorating technologies, which means the tube can show plenty of printing effect and appearance and finally result in brand building. Offset printing is usually used in the decoration and it a...
Total number of records: 817 | Pages: 82