News Center - Auber
One suggestion for upgrading your tube packaging 2017-07-05 21:00
Similarly, nice cosmetic tube packaging will help get good sale for the products indeed.
Рыночный спрос на глобальную косметику растет 2017-07-04 14:45
Рынки косметической упаковки в основном распространяются в Северной Америке, Европе, Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе и других регионах.
Global cosmetics packaging market demand is growing 2017-07-01 14:45
The cosmetic packing markets are mainly distributed in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and other regions
I fornitori di imballaggio cosmetico si concentrano sullo sviluppo del materiale Eco 2017-06-27 14:22
Ora che i materiali più comuni utilizzati dai Fornitori di imballaggio cosmetico sono plastica, vetro, carta, legno, metallo
Cosmetic Packaging Vendors concentrate on developing Eco Material 2017-06-24 14:22
Now that the most common materials used by Cosmetic Packaging Vendors are plastic, glass, paper, wood, metal.
Lippenpflege verpackungen und Vorteile 2017-06-20 14:10
Lippenpflege Verpackung werden vorwiegend in Lippenpflegerohre, Dosen, Flaschen und Gl?ser nach den Formen aufgeteilt.
Lip care packaging sorts and advantages 2017-06-17 14:10
Lip care packaging mainly be divided into lip care tubes, tins, bottles and jars according to the shapes.
The last game–what’s the best name for HGL tubes 2017-06-14 10:00
Thanks a lot for all of you to have read and comment with your suggestions on my last post about how to name the HGL tubes.
New machines for cosmetic tubes, Higher efficiency and Better quality 2017-06-13 17:26
Auber packaging purchased two more advanced machines for cosmetic tube production. One is tube feeding machine.
Solución amplía específicamente la gama de envases de cuidado de los labios 2017-06-13 13:53
Los vendedores de envases de belleza están buscando soluciones para ampliar la gama de productos de envasado de cuidado de los labios.
- To the beautiful women[2021-03-09]
- Embalaje ecológico en la vida moderna[2021-02-01]
- Green packaging in modern life[2021-02-01]
- Wege des Verpackungsrecyclings und die Belohnungen[2021-01-25]
- Ways of packaging recycling and the rewards[2021-01-25]
- Quels sont les matériaux à l'intérieur des tubes stratifiés?[2021-01-18]