News Center - Auber
The direction of the development of cosmetics market (2) 2017-09-08 21:00
Last time we talked about the direction of cosmetic development, today we're going to share a cosmetic packaging market survey.
Differences in small details can make a big difference 2017-09-06 17:00
See Tubeman cares not only about cosmetic tubes, but also he like to study about all the relative things to plastic and nice designs.
Une tendance à emballage écologique dans l’industrie de la beauté 2017-09-05 21:00
La dernière tendance dans l'industrie de la beauté ne concerne plus le masque, le gel anti-age, les couleurs des lèvres, maintenant, il s'agit de sauver la Terre.
The direction of the development of cosmetics market (1) 2017-09-01 21:00
With the development of society and the increasing diversity of life, cosmetic tubes are becoming more and more competitive in cosmetic packaging market.
What we kept doing since 2004 2017-08-30 21:00
Since 2004, Auber is an ISO9001 Certified manufacturer of customized PE & laminated cosmetic tubes packaging solutions.
Упаковка упаковка сжимающей трубки растет 2017-08-29 21:00
Люди сказали, что упаковка сжимающей трубки быстро растет из-за ниже двух причин.
Make plans for cosmetic packaging with data 2017-08-25 21:00
Cosmetic packaging can be seen everywhere in daily life.
Auber summer activity 2017 2017-08-23 10:56
After working hard for a complex and big order of cosmetic tubes, our team had enjoyed a summer trip last week very much.
La caratteristica dell Imballaggio tubi di spremitura 2017-08-22 21:00
La maggior parte dei tubi di spremitura di plastica sono fatti con forma rotonda, ma qualche volta, i clienti preferiscono renderlo ovale / piatto (soprattutto per la base BB / CC / Liquid).
What is the definition of sustainable packaging? 2017-08-11 21:00
One question, can you list up what will make packaging sustainable? You may find many earth-friendly factors could be sustainable.
- To the beautiful women[2021-03-09]
- Embalaje ecológico en la vida moderna[2021-02-01]
- Green packaging in modern life[2021-02-01]
- Wege des Verpackungsrecyclings und die Belohnungen[2021-01-25]
- Ways of packaging recycling and the rewards[2021-01-25]
- Quels sont les matériaux à l'intérieur des tubes stratifiés?[2021-01-18]