News Center - Auber

Why the demand for tube packaging is increasing in UK? 2017-12-15 21:00

The largest market share for tube packaging is in Europe, and UK is considered as a dominate country in this region.

New product-parts nozzle head 2017-12-13 21:00

The nozzle gel tubes heads are normally below two types.

Avete notato la piccola striscia alla fine del tubo cosmetici? 2017-12-12 21:00

Avete notato la piccola striscia alla fine del tubo cosmetici?

Global Forecast of Tube Packaging market to 2021 2017-12-08 21:00

A report regarding global forecast of tube packaging market to 2021 have been released.

Usos de embalaje de tubos de plástico 2017-12-05 21:00

?Qué tipo de cosméticos se pueden utilizar con embalaje de tubos de plástico? A continuación se presenta una breve introducción basada en diferentes materiales.

Seminar about Packaging Innovations 2017-12-01 21:00

A seminar about packaging innovations will be held in 2018, New York.

Mini movie about Auber-Me and my baby are taking part in 2017-11-29 21:00

From the beginning of 2017, Auber had made a plan—we would make a video about ourselves. But we would like to make something different from other cosmetic tubes manufacturer.

Gemeinsames Kosmetikrohrmaterial 2017-11-28 21:00

Sie werden haupts?chlich durch weiche kosmetikrohre verpackt. Aber warst du jemals daran interessiert, was ihr Material ist?

A research about Chinese cosmetic packaging 2017-11-24 21:00

As the demand of cosmetic packaging in China is growing, the scale of packaging market is expanding.

UV coating in cosmetic packaging industry 2017-11-22 21:00

UV varnish is a common surface finishing process in cosmetic packaging and printing industry.
Total number of records: 817 | Pages: 82