News Center - Auber

New Material (PCR, Green PE, PLA) Study 2020-03-11 11:53

December 22, DongZhi,is one of the most important festivals in China; it’s the first one in 24 solar terms. Well, Dongzhi in Chinese means that the winter has come.

Преимущества алюминиевых и ламинатных туб или алюминиевых аэрозольных баллончиков 2020-03-09 15:28

Для инженеров-упаковщиков и производителей косметики непросто постоянно искать оптимальную упаковку.

The advantages of aluminum and laminate tubes or aluminum aerosol cans 2020-03-06 12:10

It is a tough problem for packaging engineers and cosmetic producers to look for optimum packaging all the time.

Impacto de Instagram en la industria del embalaje-2 2020-03-04 15:29

Para satisfacer las necesidades de lanzamiento rápido e innovación, los proveedores de envases de tubos deben tener una cierta capacidad de inventario, y estos envases de tubos de inventario deben ser personalizables.

Instagram’s impact on the packaging industry-2 2020-03-02 10:52

In order to meet the needs of rapid launch and innovation, tube packaging suppliers need to have a certain inventory capacity, and these inventory tube packaging need to be customizable.

Evaluating a good supplier 2020-02-26 21:00

We do customization of cosmetic tube, so it may be hard for customers to tesll who supplies a better tube with a same appearance.

Anti-epidemic measures of our factory during Coronavirus outbreak 2020-02-20 15:30

To cooperate with the government for the epidemic prevention work and protect the health and safety of our workers, we keep doing below steps.

Fighting with virus! The spring will finally come 2020-02-07 20:42

Receiving some greetings because of CORONAVIRUS from the kind person, it's so warm.

Comparison of Paper Packaging and Tube Packaging 2020-01-22 10:38

Printing is widely used in packaging, because of the increasing market competition, it is necessary to constantly bring forth new ideas to attract the attention of consumers.

The challenge of recylable material to cosmetic tubes 2020-01-08 09:00

According to the focus on environmental protection, we got more questions from customers to ask for eco-friendly material tubes. However, currently there is no biodegradable material we can use in our factory.
Total number of records: 817 | Pages: 82