News Center - Auber

リサイクルのためにできること 2020-04-28 17:17


Auber Sales Team is a cohesive family 2020-04-24 16:56

Auber sales team is a cohesive and cooperative family. And we are working hard to become more professional in cosmetic tubes industry.

What we can do for recycling 2020-04-24 16:37

A retailer has a plan, which is that people should pay 20 penny as a deposit for beverage in disposable bottles or cans and governments are thinking about increasing the recycling rate.

Рынок глобальной детской устойчивой упаковки 2020-04-22 16:51

Отчет показывает перспективы рынка, рост в прошлом и шансы в будущем с точки зрения глобальной упаковки, устойчивой к детям.

The market of global child resistant packaging 2020-04-22 16:38

A report shows the market prospect, increases in the past and chances in the future in terms of global child resistant packaging.

¿Por qué son tan populares los tubos de aluminio? 2020-04-22 16:07

Después de que las personas se dan cuenta de la importancia de la protección del medio ambiente, la industria del embalaje también toma medidas. Por ejemplo, el empaque de tubos de aluminio se pone en producción ampliamente.

Why are aluminum tubes so popular? 2020-04-22 15:14

After people realize the significance of environmental protection, packaging industry also takes actions. For instance, aluminum tube packaging is put into production widely.

Lo que causará si los plásticos están restringidos, especialmente por el costo 2020-04-13 16:43

Cada año, las industrias de envases de plástico cuyo valor es de 198 mil millones de dólares fabrican más de 78 millones de toneladas de envases de plástico, pero solo unos pocos son reciclados y la mayoría son arrojados.

What it will cause if plastics are restricted indeed, especially for cost 2020-04-10 17:15

Every year, plastic packaging industries whose value is 198 billion dollars manufacture more than 78 million tonnes plastic packaging but only a few are recycled and most are thrown.

Arrange the kids properly when staying home during COVID-19 2020-04-08 14:28

Going out and play with the other kids is the one of the happiest moments to my daughter. But during the COVID-19 period, she was not allowed to go out in Jan& Feb.
Total number of records: 817 | Pages: 82