Industry News - Auber
Squeeze tubes–A popular trend 2020-10-12 18:40
The main types of cosmetics are skin care, hair products and so on. People who are interested in cosmetics know the significance of packaging.
The reasons why cosmetic firms choose airless packaging 2020-09-11 15:30
Airless packaging is popular increasingly in cosmetic industry at present. Which leads to a brighter future for beauty, medical and cosmetic packaging.
Как упаковка улучшает бренды? 2020-09-07 17:08
Независимо от того, как вы продаете товары, например, через Интернет или через розничных продавцов, упаковка товаров играет важную роль в популярности бренда.
How packaging enhances the brands? 2020-09-07 17:02
No matter how you sell products, such as online or through retailers, packaging of products plays a significant role in brand popularity.
Les caractéristiques des matériaux des emballages cosmétiques 2020-08-31 10:31
Les produits seront pollués par des germes s'ils entrent en contact avec l'air extérieur, donc plus de conservateurs sont nécessaires. Les clients ont le droit de connaître la durée de vie. La durée de vie est inutile pour les emballages airless mais c'est une obligation légale.
The material characteristics of cosmetic packaging 2020-08-28 11:34
The products will be polluted by germs if they contact with air outside so more preservatives are required. Customers have the right to know the service life. The operating life is useless for airless packaging but it is a legal requirement.
Die Analyse verschiedener Arten von Kosmetikverpackungen 2020-08-24 17:31
Die Art der Verpackung hängt von den Produkten und spezifischen Anwendungen ab, da unterschiedliche Behälter Vor- und Nachteile haben.
The analysis of different sorts of cosmetic packaging 2020-08-21 15:05
The purpose of cosmetic packaging is to protect goods and persuade people to buy. Different packaging has different functions and demands.
魅力的な化粧品パッケージのデザイン方法は? 2020-08-18 16:38
化粧品業界は急速に発展しているため、ほとんどすべての人が毎日美容製品を使用しています。 化粧品業界は、他の業界と比較して忠誠心に多くの注意を払っています。 ブランドが何百万もの競合他社の中で際立って、どれが自分に適しているかを顧客に伝えたい場合、化粧品パッケージが重要なポイントです。
How to design attractive cosmetic packaging? 2020-08-18 16:27
If brands want to stand out among millions of competitors to tell customers which one is suitable for them, cosmetic packaging is the key point.
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- Wege des Verpackungsrecyclings und die Belohnungen[2021-01-25]
- Ways of packaging recycling and the rewards[2021-01-25]
- Quels sont les matériaux à l'intérieur des tubes stratifiés?[2021-01-18]
- What are the materials inside of the laminated tubes?[2021-01-18]