Industry News - Auber
Iniziare a rendere l’imballaggio della pelle cura eco-friendly 2017-11-07 21:00
Molto famoso marchio cosmetico inizia ad essere eco-friendly adesso, sostenendo che ridurre l'imballaggio e volantini, formula naturale e inchiostro di stampa.
Usages of plastic tube packaging 2017-11-03 21:00
What kind of cosmetics can be used with plastic tube packaging? Below is a brief introduction based on different material?
è tempo di rivalutare l’imballaggio per i prodotti anti-invecchiamento 2017-10-31 21:00
Bottiglie o barattoli, sono tradizionali tra imballaggi per prodotti antinvecchiamento.
Common cosmetic tube material 2017-10-27 21:00
They are mainly packed by soft cosmetics tubes. But were you ever interested in what their material is?
Encuesta enviando un peque?o paquete de cosméticos 2017-10-24 21:00
?Alguna vez pensaste en hacer una encuesta enviando un paquete peque?o de cosméticos?
Tips to consumers for handling beauty packaging 2017-10-20 21:00
The beauty products packaging should also be considered. But to sustainability, consumers would also take part in the action.
Исследование о упаковке китайского косметического рынка 2017-10-17 21:00
Это отчет, посвященный китайской косметическая упаковка с разных сторон. Аспекты включают материалы, типы контейнеров, обычаи, а также компании.
Selling point: recycle packaging of cosmetics 2017-10-13 21:00
Using eco-friendly packaging could be ethical and a talking sales point to a cosmetic brand nowadays.
La direzione dello sviluppo del mercato cosmetico 2017-10-10 21:00
L'ultima volta che abbiamo parlato della direzione dello sviluppo cosmetico, oggi andremo a condividere un'indagine sul mercato dei imballaggi cosmetici
Start to make the skin care packaging eco-friendly 2017-10-06 21:00
Much famous cosmetic brand starts to be eco-friendly right now, claiming that lessen packaging and leaflets, natural formula and printing ink.
- Embalaje ecológico en la vida moderna[2021-02-01]
- Green packaging in modern life[2021-02-01]
- Wege des Verpackungsrecyclings und die Belohnungen[2021-01-25]
- Ways of packaging recycling and the rewards[2021-01-25]
- Quels sont les matériaux à l'intérieur des tubes stratifiés?[2021-01-18]
- What are the materials inside of the laminated tubes?[2021-01-18]