Industry News - Auber

Lo que causará si los plásticos están restringidos, especialmente por el costo 2020-04-13 16:43

Cada año, las industrias de envases de plástico cuyo valor es de 198 mil millones de dólares fabrican más de 78 millones de toneladas de envases de plástico, pero solo unos pocos son reciclados y la mayoría son arrojados.

What it will cause if plastics are restricted indeed, especially for cost 2020-04-10 17:15

Every year, plastic packaging industries whose value is 198 billion dollars manufacture more than 78 million tonnes plastic packaging but only a few are recycled and most are thrown.

Warum sind Röhren praktisch? 2020-03-30 16:23

Kosmetiktuben sind sehr beliebt und die erste Wahl für Kosmetika und Körperpflegeprodukte.

Why do tubes have strong practicality? 2020-03-30 16:14

Cosmetic Tubes are quite popular and they are the first choice for cosmetics and personal care products.

La perspective de l’industrie des tubes cosmétiques 2020-03-24 15:59

Certaines recherches donnent des informations spécifiques sur l'industrie des tubes cosmétiques pour aider les fabricants à relever les défis et à saisir les opportunités.

The prospect of cosmetic tube industry 2020-03-20 16:53

There is some research giving specific information about cosmetic tube industry to help manufacturers face challenges and seize chances.

バイオプラスチック-化粧品チューブ産業の実用的なソリューション 2020-03-17 17:46

化粧品チューブ業界では、プラスチックが材料として一般的です。 科学技術の発展に伴い、再生可能なサトウキビを原料とするバイオベースのプラスチックが、従来のプラスチックに代わって発明されました。

Bioplastic — a practical solution for cosmetic tube industry 2020-03-17 17:29

In cosmetic tube industry, plastic is common as materials. With the development of science and technology, biobased plastic whose raw material is renewable sugar cane is invented to replace traditional plastic.

Преимущества алюминиевых и ламинатных туб или алюминиевых аэрозольных баллончиков 2020-03-09 15:28

Для инженеров-упаковщиков и производителей косметики непросто постоянно искать оптимальную упаковку.

The advantages of aluminum and laminate tubes or aluminum aerosol cans 2020-03-06 12:10

It is a tough problem for packaging engineers and cosmetic producers to look for optimum packaging all the time.
Total number of records: 449 | Pages: 45